Mitch (age 6), Julie (age 7), Mike (age 5), Jane (age 4)
Forty years ago, Christmas was ...
- watching Little Drummer Boy, Rudolph, and Frosty on the B&W TV
- a passing party gift for the school party - limit $1
- memorizing a poem for the Christmas program at church
- smell of the skinny cedar tree Dad cut down from the woods out back (we had skinny before "skinny" was in...)
- icicles - the silver kind - everywhere...
- making paper chains (using glue made from flour & water)
- going to our bunkbeds early on December 24 (4 kids in a room)
- getting up "while it was still dark" to look under the tree
- toys were the only presents...clothes were a disappointment
- real surprises on Christmas morning -- we NEVER made a "list"
- Baby Secret, Show 'n' Tell (my favorite), Easy Bake Oven
- Mom cooking Christmas dinner - the windows all fogged up
- snow outside (seems like it snowed every Christmas)
- NO SCHOOL FOR TWO WEEKS! (and that made me sad...)
What do YOU remember?
wow that picture is cute!!
ok so it hasn't been forty years yet... but i remember a lot of the same things! mer and i would sleep in luke's room when we were little and we would get up in the middle of the night to see what santa left for us! we would play for about an hour as quietly as we could then we would go "back to sleep." we'd all lie there and try to wait as long as would could to wake up mom and dad to show them our presents. christmas memories are the absolute best =)
That gets the ole nostalgia juices flowing. Besides the candy and cookies, we always had extra fruits at this time- oranges, tangerines, special apples; nuts that had to be shelled, and we always got a coconut. Dad would get out the hammer and crack it open, pour out the milk (we all sampled)and ate the chunks of coconut. So yummy. Funny how everything always comes back to food. Sets the memory. Thanks for sharing your photo and memories.
It's amazing how much you look like Troy in that picture!
The school Christmas coral concert was always a big deal. All three of us girls were in choir, so there was a lot of primping going on.
I was watching Rudolf in B&W right along with you. I always cried when the other reindeer laughed and he ran away.
We have a custom of opening one gift on Christmas eve, this was always such a tough decision. I always hated it if I picked pajamas!
Having to wait at the top of the stairs with my two sisters while Mom went down to see "if Santa left anything"
Ripping into a sea of presents, maybe one that was requested, but mostly suprizes.
Favorite present: stuffed animals and a Crissy doll who's hair pulled out of a hole in her head and then you could wind it back up. That, of course, was until you decided to give her a haircut and then it was short forever.
Christmas breakfast: orange rolls, cinnamon rolls and spiced tea.
Christmas memories: Christmas Movies...Rudolph being the classic and my new fav. is Polar Express. Hearing my sister play piano to several Christmas Songs. Rock for Tots (my brother's started the one in Chillicothe in the 80's with their band, Paul Paulard was in the band and is still in charge of it). Christmas baking. Most importantly I love Church around this time.
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