Mitch (age 6), Julie (age 7), Mike (age 5), Jane (age 4)
Forty years ago, Christmas was ...
- watching Little Drummer Boy, Rudolph, and Frosty on the B&W TV
- a passing party gift for the school party - limit $1
- memorizing a poem for the Christmas program at church
- smell of the skinny cedar tree Dad cut down from the woods out back (we had skinny before "skinny" was in...)
- icicles - the silver kind - everywhere...
- making paper chains (using glue made from flour & water)
- going to our bunkbeds early on December 24 (4 kids in a room)
- getting up "while it was still dark" to look under the tree
- toys were the only presents...clothes were a disappointment
- real surprises on Christmas morning -- we NEVER made a "list"
- Baby Secret, Show 'n' Tell (my favorite), Easy Bake Oven
- Mom cooking Christmas dinner - the windows all fogged up
- snow outside (seems like it snowed every Christmas)
- NO SCHOOL FOR TWO WEEKS! (and that made me sad...)
What do YOU remember?