Today is the 24th birthday of our firstborn son.....Troy Michael Pekkala was born on Sunday morning, October 9, 1983 at 10:30 a.m. He weighed in at 8 lbs. 2 oz. The first born in a family is always such a joy...and Troy was the first grandchild on my side of the family so he got lots of attention! He was indeed a gift to Bill and me 24 years ago...I am not sure that we knew at the time how much he would teach us about life.
When Troy was born, I was teaching Kindergarten for the
Eastern Schools. Bill was the guidance counselor there as well....a great place to start out! I was so young (23) and shallow and out of touch with what was really important....perhaps most of us are at 23. I wanted my son to have the coolest toys, the cutest clothes, the popular friends, straight A's in school, to excel on sports teams, yada, yada, yada.... Boy, have I grown up a lot!
Surviving those years with teenagers really helps a Mom prioritize and gain perspective!

Unlike my
good friend Jaki, Troy was a typical first-born parent pleaser. His teachers spoke of his leadership and his ability to get along with everyone. His grades were good...not always straight A's...but pretty close. He remarked once in high school that it was way too much work to get a 4.0....and just a lot simpler to relax, have fun, and take a 3.5. Pretty good advice.

As Troy grew older, it was evident that he was blessed with an internal drive to do WHATEVER he wanted.
That boy is so ambitious! He started mowing lawns at age 13, and built that business up until one summer, he and Ian Smith had 30 lawns to mow in a week. Troy took certification for lifesaving and worked at the city pool several summers. He taught ski lessons at Spicy Run Mountain (remember that place?). Actually, I tagged Troy with a "rescue syndrome" in that he loves to be in situations where he can help others. Troy joined the Waverly Fire Department just out of HS, and made many fire and emergency runs...he loved it! He was on the dive team for the WFD and was PADI certified. Troy took the hunter's education program and the boater's safety course...he loves the outdoors...loves boating and water skiing! Troy actually bought a wrecked Ford Expedition and repaired it (with the help of Bruce Davis), and then sold it at a pretty good profit. He has always been so good at fixing stuff.
I am so proud of him!
And now Troy is remodeling a little house on State Route 772 with his new wife, Jennifer. He's not afraid to try just about any aspect of building a house. He loves living in the country, and says he'll never move in town (I keep bugging him about the inconveniences of the country...) Troy earned a Bachelor's degree in Computer Engineering and now works guessed it...Eastern Local Schools! I guess Eastern is just a great place to start out if you're a Pekkala.

I wish for my little Troy-boy (well, it was a cute nickname back then) the blessing of a happy and fulfilling life...full of learning and loving...and the recognition that God is woven into every moment of every day. Love you, Troy!